Community, Equality, Justice, Dignity, Pride
We believe a school uniform is important in identifying our school as a community where all children are treated equally. The school’s Uniform Policy aims to provide a clear and common understanding of the school’s uniform and details regarding its implementation for children, parents and teachers.
● It is the policy of Sacred Heart School to require all children to wear the school uniform as described in the School Uniform
● The school uniform is intended to identify our students with our school and parish.
● It is intended that the school uniform should engender a sense of pride in being part of our school community.
● It is an expectation upon enrolment that this policy will be supported by both families and staff.
● This policy should be read in conjunction with the school’s “Sun Smart Policy” and the School Uniform Description.
● Children are expected to wear the correct school uniform every day.
● Children are expected to wear the school Sports Uniform on days designated for physical education activities and specific sports days when the children represent our school.
● The elements of the school uniform should recognise factors such as: Practicality, Safety and Cost.
● The Parents and Friends Association of our school will be consulted regarding any change to this policy or to the elements of the school uniform.
● Parents should send a note to school explaining temporary digressions from the school uniform.
● Staff are expected to exercise discretion when policing this policy.
● Occasional “Casual Clothes Days” will be scheduled from time to time at the discretion of the principal.
● Where possible the different elements of the school uniform will be available through the school’s Uniform Shop.
● The School Uniform requirements are to be stated clearly in the school’s Parent Information Book annually. Review of this policy or any part of the uniform will only occur in line with the School Development Plan, ie, as part of the 6 year cycle of review and development the school has in place. Any change to elements of the school uniform must allow for a “phasing in” period. The time allowed for this will be at the discretion of the School Principal.
Summer Uniform
Maroon/white/blue dress with white collar
Maroon windcheater, jacket or Rugby Top
White socks Black shoes Maroon
slouch hat
Winter Uniform
Navy Kilt or Navy Tracksuit pants
Maroon polo shirt with long or short sleeves
Maroon windcheater, jacket or Rugby Top
Navy tights or white socks
Black shoes Polar fleece vest (optional)
Rain jacket (optional)
Summer Uniform
Maroon polo shirt with long or short sleeves
Grey shorts
Rugby Top or Maroon windcheater
Grey socks Black shoes/pull on boots
Maroon slouch hat
Winter Uniform
Maroon polo shirt with long or short sleeves
Grey socks
Black shoes/pull on boots
Grey Trousers Rugby Top or Maroon windcheater
Polar fleece vest (optional)
Rain jacket (optional)
All the above clothing (except the footwear) can be ordered through the school.
Other items which can be ordered include: school bags library bags netball uniform (red netball skort)
Boys and Girls Summer Team Sports Polo Shirt
Navy Shorts
Rugby top or Maroon windcheater
White socks
Team Sports Polo Shirt
Navy Tracksuit Pant
Rugby Top or Maroon windcheater
White socks
Children will be permitted to wear the sports uniform to school on their designated Physical Education day and to all official school and inter-school sports days.
The current uniform price list is located in "FORMS"