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SH Front 1.HEIC


Sacred Heart School is committed to the enjoyment and adventure of learning.


Our family community is inspired by the Gospel.


We respect the dignity of all through acceptance, openness and trust.

SH Front 1.HEIC
SH Front 1.HEIC
SH Front 2.jpg


Sacred Heart School is committed to the enjoyment and adventure of learning.


Our commitment is demonstrated by:

Creating an open and secure environment that ensures all children are safe

Providing a diverse and challenging curriculum.

Catering for a range of learning styles and abilities.

Involving all as collaborative decision makers.

Our family community is inspired by the Gospel


Our Family Community is enriched by:

Fostering the ideal of the school as an integral and central part of the life of the parish.

The notion of family, as outlined in the Gospel, at home, school and Parish level.

Offering the Good News of the Gospel to all in our community.

Encouraging each other to live in faith and hope.

Strengthening the link between school, parish and family by celebrating through

Prayer and Liturgy.

Encouraging, enhancing and nurturing a sense of community and belonging.

Empowering children to be self directed, responsible community members

Challenging injustice in our society.

We respect the dignity of all through acceptance, openness and trust


The individual will be nurtured by:

Recognising each child’s uniqueness and potential.

Catering for the whole child

Enhancing the self esteem of each person

Encouraging honesty, responsibility and contentment.

Creating a climate in which we respect diversity.

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